
Lent and Easter Sermons
This collection of sermons arises from the culture of an active parish life as a part of its usual worship routine. With over sixty sermons spanning Pre-Lent, all forty days of Lent, and the Sundays after Easter, this book now serves as an excellent daily devotion for both pastors and parishioners. Distinctive in his preaching style, Pr. Petersen fluidly interweaves the words of Holy Scripture with his own, immersing us in the text and applying Law and Gospel with sharp insight. As Luther explains in his catechisms, preaching the Word brings the kingdom of heaven from Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to the individual, always pointing us to Christ and Him crucified, died, and risen.

Advent, Christmas, Epiphany Sermons
God enfleshed Himself and became one of us in order to redeem and rescue us from sin, death, and the devil. Christ’s incarnation forms the substance of all Christian preaching, and it is the essence of every celebration of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism, every proclamation of Absolution to repentant sinners. That’s why the Christian Church gathers around preaching and the Sacraments, and that’s why books of sermons continue to be published and cherished in the Church. Christ is present in His body – for us, for forgiveness.
The sermons in God With Us embody incarnational preaching. In fifty-nine sermons spanning Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, including daily sermons for all of Advent, Pastor David Petersen preaches an ever-present Christ, a Christ for you, a Christ with you.